Vista Little League
2025 Safety Plan

League ID Number

2025 Safety Plan for Vista Little League located:
600 ¾ Optimist Way, Vista, California 92081
Table of Contents
Page Number | Content |
1 | Cover |
2 | Table of Contents |
3 | Requirement 1: Active President/Safety Officer Contact Information Requirement 2: Safety Manual Distribution |
4 | Requirement 3: Contacts/Emergency Phone Numbers |
5 | Board Of Directors - 2025 |
6 | Requirement 4: Volunteers/JDP |
7-8 | Volunteer Application and Required Trainings |
9 | Requirement 5: Fundamentals Training |
10 | Manager’s Clinic/Rules Review |
11 | Requirement 6: Safety/First Aid Training/ First Aid & Concussion Training |
12 | Concussion Information Sheet – HEADS UP (pg. 1) |
13 | Concussion Information Sheet – HEADS UP (pg. 2) |
14 | Little League Required Safety Training Sessions |
15 | First Aid at the Field |
16 | First Aid Kits and VLL Safety Code |
17 | Requirement 7: Walk-Inspect Field |
18 | Requirement 8: Fix Facility Faults for Season Success |
19 | Field Maintenance & Safety Checklist/ Facility Survey |
20 | Requirement 9: Concessions Stand Information/Requirements/Volunteers Must Wash Hands & Requirement 10: Equipment Inspection |
21 | Requirement 11: Accident Reporting, AIG Insurance |
22 | Accident/Injury Reporting Form |
23 | Requirement 12: First Aid Kits |
24-25 | Requirement 13: Little League Rules |
26 | Requirement 14: Submitting Player, Manager, and Coach Data |
Active President and Safety Officer
(On file with Little League Headquarters)
President: Keith Foster Home Address: 600 3/4 Optimist Way Vista, California 92081 Email address: [email protected] | Safety Officer: Stacey Sills Home Address: 600 3/4 Optimist Way Vista, California 92081 Email address: [email protected] |
Safety Manual Distribution
Vista Little League will post an electronic copy on our website as well as distribute a paper copy of this Safety Manual to all Managers, Coaches, Volunteers and the District Administrator upon request.
Contacts/Emergency Phone Numbers
This list will be posted in the concession area and dugout areas.
Emergency/Non-Emergency Phone Numbers
Vista Sheriff’s Department: | 911
Non Emergency | (760) 940-4551 |
Shadowridge Office: | (760) 597-2600 |
Vista Fire Department: | 911
Headquarters: | (760) 643-2801 |
Shadowridge Security: |
North County Patrol | (760) 940-2776 |
Other Key Contacts
Optimist Club: | (760) 598-4907 |
SDGE: Emergency Only | (800) 611-7343 |
SDGE: General Line | (800) 411-7343 |
Vista Irrigation District: Emergency Only | (760) 597-3131 |
Vista Irrigation District: | (760) 597-3100 |
Vista Parks and Recreation: | (760) 726-1340 |
VLL Board of Directors- 2025
President | Keith Foster | |
Vice-President/Majors Rep | Grant Jobe | |
Secretary / Event & Fundraising Coordinator | Krystle DeLara | |
Treasurer | Jesse Bennetts | |
Player Agent | Ashley Harvey | |
Optimist Representative | John Coutts | |
Safety Officer | Stacey Sills | |
Scheduler | Jason Stewart | |
League Infor. Officer/Comms | Alisa Gemar/Hayley Nelson | |
Umpire in Chief | Randy Aviles | |
Juniors Rep/Intermediate Rep. | Darby Suval | |
AAA Representative | Micheal Black | |
AA Representative | Kenny Cox | |
A Representative | Shaanon Ricketts | |
T-Ball Representative | Amber Strecker | |
Grill/Snack Bar Manager | Kristin Aviles | |
Uniform & Sponsorship Coordinator | Michael Nucci | |
Equipment Manager | Wade Morrison | |
Field Maintenance | Tyler Smith | |
Field Maintenance | Russel Del Mar | |
Field Maintenance | Eric Ritchson | |
| Brandon Evans | |
VLL Volunteers
VLL will use JDP, the Official Little League to screen ALL of our managers, coaches, adult umpires and volunteers via its online application portal. A copy of the written application is attached to this Safety Plan. Additionally, volunteers coming in contact with players for more than 16 hours/month or 32 hours/yearly, will be Live Scan fingerprinted in accordance with CA AB 506. Managers, coaches, Board Members, Umpires and Team Parents will complete background checks, abuse awareness training, SCA training, and concussion protocol training.
You can go online to:

You can also go fill out a manual application:

A list of all the approved volunteers will be posted in a prominent place at the Vista Little League facilities.
Safe Sports Act

“Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017” became federal law in 2018. The goal of SafeSport is to protect children from abusive situations by engaging more people in the reporting and education processes. A volunteer now can be held legally responsible if they have firsthand knowledge and fail to report any type of Child Abuse to the correct parties. SafeSport covers all types of Child Abuse both physical and psychological.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training

AB379 now requires the same protocols used for concussions in youth and high school sports to be used to help protect young athletes participating in school and community youth sports organizations from sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of young athletes. Community youth sports organizations include an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate. The online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training is at:
Concussion Protocol Training

Baseball Clinic - Fundamentals Training

VLL Hosted Player Skills Clinic Camp
When: December 30-31, 2024 @ 9am-12pm or 1-4pm
January 2-3, 2025 @ 9am-12pm or 1-4pm
Where: Vista Little League Optimist Fields
Who: North County Sports Academy
Managers Meeting
Where: VLL Optimist Fields
Upper Division
When: January 15, 2025 @ 6:00PM
Lower Division
When: February 5, 2025
Coaches Rules & Fundamentals
At least one manager or coach from each team must attend this coaches clinic.
Upper Division
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 6:30PM
Lower Division
Date: February 4, 2025
Time: 6:30PM
Topics for Clinic:
- Rules
- Warm-ups
- Infield
- Outfield
- Collaborative infield and outfield
- Pitching
- Catcher Drills
- Hitting
- Speed/Conditioning
Safety/First Aid Training
Safety/First Aid Training:
Vista Little League will require at least one Manager/Coach from each team to attend. Every Manager/Coach must attend this training once every year. The Safety Officer will conduct the training at VLL (held in conjunction with the Managers/Coaches Clinic meeting). The safety trainings will be conducted during the managers meetings on 1/15 and 2/4 at the Vista Little League Facility.
Managers will Learn TO:
- Recognize and properly treat all concussion related injuries
- Recognize a true emergency, and act on it
- Maintain Composure in stressful situations
- Effectively Use Resource Management
- Properly treat various types of injuries- Cuts, scrapes, bruises, fractures, and breaks
- Proper form to report injuries, etc.
Concussion Training
Vista Little League will require each Manager/Coach from each team to complete the mandatory Heads Up Concussion training before the start of the 2025 Spring Season. The Safety Officer will track the progress through the Team Parent representative.

Little League Required Safety Training Sessions
Concussion Protocol For Manager/Coaches: (Required Once)
1.(a) California law requires that all coaches and administrators must complete an online concussion training at least once before supervising youth athletes; a certificate from a prior season is valid for this season. It takes only about 30 minutes to complete the training. Please save and carry the certificates for
all your coaches in your binder.
The online Concussion Protocol Training is at: HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training
Concussion Protocol For Player and Parents/Guardian: (Required Every Year)
2.(b) A concussion and head injury information sheet must be signed by both the athlete and a parent/guardian before the athlete initiates practice or competition. An existing form from this spring may be used if it’s available. The signed sheet must be carried with the player’s medical release and code of conduct form. The Concussion Information Sheet is at: Concussion Information Sheet – the course is free
Abuse Awareness Protocol For All Volunteers: (Required Every Year)
1. (a) All managers and coaches must complete the Abuse Awareness training provided by Little League and SafeSport. The managers and coaches must carry documentation that the course has been completed. Local Leagues must carry proof of completion for all volunteers.
The course is at: Abuse Awareness - the course is free
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Protocol For Manager/Coaches: (Required Once)
AB379 now requires the same protocols used for concussions in youth and high school sports to be used to help protect young athletes participating in school and community youth sports organizations from sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of young athletes. Community youth sports organizations include an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate. The online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training is at: SCA Prevention Training
Registration - the course is free
Each Tournament team must save and carry in your team binders each of the certification certificates for all your managers/coaches & players.
First Aid at the Field
When Treating an Injury REMEMBER:

First Aid Kits
- Snack Bar
- Board Room
- Equipment Shed
- T-Ball Shed
Each team Manager will be issued an updated First Aid Kit and is required to have it at every practice and game. The league also provides a First Aid Kits that is accessible from the Snack Bar.
VLL Safety Code
1. Be Alert
2. Check Playing Field for Any Hazards
3. Wear Proper Equipment
4. Ensure Equipment Is In Good Shape
5. Ensure 1st Aid Is Available
6. Maintain Composure and Control of the Situation
7. Maintain Discipline
8. Safety Is a Team Sport
9. Be Organized
Walk/Inspect Field
Coaches will be required to walk/inspect the fields prior to practices and games. Umpires will also be required to walk to fields for hazards before each game.

Field Maintenance & Safety Checklist
- Field Condition
- Dugouts
- Spectator Area
- Catchers Equipment-Bats & helmets & gloves which don’t comply with LL regulations are removed from the field of play
- Safety Equipment
- Players Equipment
At the pre-season manager meetings, all VLL managers will review with the League UIC necessary LL safety items including dangling throat protectors and chest protector flaps. The UIC will review safety issues related to bullpen activities as well as in game activities. It is emphasized together with the coaching contracts signed by all managers that LL rules apply both during games and when at any practice facility. No manager or coach is approved without their prior guarantee to adhere to these rules and regulations.
A Field Safety Checklist should be completed before each practice and game. Checklists are available at our league office and in Manager’s binders.
Managers are educated on completing the proper incident reports in the event of an accident. Copies are provided during the pre-season manager meetings to all managers in their Manager’s Binders, in the snackbar, and in the boardroom.
Concessions Stand Information/Requirements
Menu shall be posted and approved by the safety officer and the League President.
Prior to the start of the Spring and Fall seasons, a training course will be held for all volunteer workers regarding safety in the snack bar by the Snack Bar Manager. This includes proper procedures for food handling as well as preparation and procedures. VLL has produced a “snack bar handbook” which describes in detail the operations of all equipment as well as contact information for both emergency and non-emergency situations. The book is placed daily in a prominent position in the snack bar for quick and easy reference.

Equipment Inspection
Vista Little League requires regular inspection of playing equipment. Unsafe equipment will not be given in team equipment bags. Bad equipment will be logged and will be removed and destroyed. Managers are required to notify the Equipment Manager and Safety Officer if League issued gear is damaged or broken.
The League Equipment Manager and or Safety Officer will inspect all equipment in the pre-season:
Accident Reporting
Vista Little League will use the provided incident/ Injury Tracking Report form that Little League International provides online. VLL will provide copies of the incident reports in Manager’s Binders, in the Snack Bat, and in the Boardroom. It is a requirement by VLL and Little League International that the Safety Officer will be given this form within 24-48 hours of the incident.
What to Report: An incident that causes a Player, Manager, Coach or Umpire to receive medical treatment or first aid must be reported to The Safety Officer.
When to Report: All such incidents described above must be reported to The Safety Officer within 24 to 48 hours of the incident.
Safety Officer: Stacey Sills
Cell Number: (619)997-8768
Email: [email protected]
How to Make a Report: Complete the Incident Report Form (shown on the following page) and email following the incident.
At a minimum, the following information is needed:
1. The name and address of the injured person.
2. The date, time, and location of the incident.
3. A completely detailed description of the incident as possible.
4. The preliminary estimation of the extent of the injury.
5. The name and phone number of the person making the report.
6. Names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
In the Manager’s Binders, snack bar, or Board Room Incident Report Forms can be found. A copy is available on VLL’s website. If a Team Parent or Assistant Coach is there, he/she can assist you in getting the front of the form filled out. A call must be made to The Safety Officer reporting the incident within 48 hours. Little League insurance is a supplemental insurance to the insured’s own insurance. There is a small deductible.
AIG Insurance
Little League offers additional coverage in the event that the player’s personal insurance doesn’t provide coverage for an accident. Again, this coverage is only available in the event of non-coverage from personal insurance. The information must be provided to the Safety Officer and submitted within 20 days of the accident.

First Aid Kits
Each team is provided with a league issued first aid kit.
Each kit includes:
Adhesive bandages
Non-adherent pads
Gauze pads
Adhesive tape
Instant cold compresses
Triple antibiotic ointment
Antiseptic towelettes
Burn cream
Sting relief wipes
Additional First Aid Kits including instant cold compresses, can be found in the snack bar, mid shed, Tball shed, and Boardroom.
Communicable Disease Procedures
1. Bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered, and the uniform changed if there is blood on it before the athlete may continue.
2. Routinely use gloves to prevent mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated (Provided in the first aid kit).
3. Immediately wash hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated with blood.
4. Clean all blood contaminated surfaces and equipment.
5. Managers, Coaches, and Volunteers with open wounds should refrain from all direct contact until the condition is resolved.
6. Follow accepted guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and disposal when handling bloody dressings, mouth guards and other articles containing body fluids
Little League Rules
Vista Little League will require ALL TEAMS to enforce ALL Little League Rules, including proper equipment for catchers.
• Players will have required equipment at all times including catchers that are warming up during infield.
• Managers/ Coaches will enforce rules during practices and games.
• All fields have bases that disengage.
• Coaches and managers must not warm up pitchers. Let Players Catch.
• RULE 3.09
“...Managers or coaches must not warm up a pitcher at home plate or in the bull pen or elsewhere at any time. They may, however, stand to observe a pitcher during warm-up in the bull pen.”

League Player Registration Data
Or Player Roster Data and Manager/ Coach Data
League Player Registration Data or Player Roster Data and Manager/Coach Data will be submitted via the Little League Data Center at